How to Declare Blog Language in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ? - Free Recharge Tricks-Unlimited Paytm ,Free 3G 4G Tricks

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How to Declare Blog Language in Blogger (Blogspot) Blog ?

Declaring a blog’s language is an important aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) as it helps search engine bots to identify your bl...

Declaring a blog’s language is an important aspect of SEO (search engine optimization) as it helps search engine bots to identify your blog’s language and they don’t have to dig your site for language detection. This doesn’t possess greater SEO impact but will definitely speed up your crawling. It is significant to declare your site’s language when creating an international site or if your blog or site is in some other language. Most of the blogging platform such as Wordpress has built in language declaration functionality whereas in Blogger we have to edit our template by adding one line language declaration code. So, let’s move on to our tutorial.

Declaring blog’s language on Blogger
        (1)   Go to your blog’s dashboard.
        (2)   Go to ‘Template’ and then ‘edit HTML’.
        (3)   Now find the below code.
        (4)   Now add the below code just next to <html.

lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US"
        (5)   Sample view of your template after adding the above code.

<html lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US" b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='' xmlns:b='' xmlns:data='' xmlns:expr=''>
        (6)   Save your template and it’s done.

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