How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​(ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये) - Free Recharge Tricks-Unlimited Paytm ,Free 3G 4G Tricks

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How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​(ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये)

How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​ (ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये) Most loading speed of friends is on search ranking ranking beca...

How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​

(ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये)

Most loading speed of friends is on search ranking ranking because Google places fast-loading websites more heavily. So today I'm sharing the top 10 tips for fast loading the website. Friends do not have much time with people nowadays, if a visitor opens your blog then your blog should be open in 5 seconds or the visitor will go back and you will remember such many visitors and traffic. .

How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​(ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये)
Its loading time for the website's SEO is very important. I understand you in easy language, think an E-commerce website earns one lakh rupees per day, but if its loading time 1 sec. So that website will lose $ 2.5 million in 1 year. Now you can estimate how fast the website's fast loading is.

In one research, it has been found that 47% of internet users prefer to load the site in less than 2 seconds while 40% Users 4 sec. Let us ignore websites that load more than time. So keep in mind that your website's loading time is 3 sec. Remain less than If you want to reduce your blog by reducing the loading time, then read the tips below and follow it.

Loading of the Speed ​​of the Blog-10 Killer 

Tips Friends, the tips I'm sharing with you are if you use them, your blog will be faster than ever before. I have written these tips from my experience and also follow all. You can see the screenshot of our blog's loading speed below.
How To Enhance Blog Loading Speed ​​(ब्लॉग का लोडिंग स्पीड कैसे बढ़ाये)

1. Plugins and widgets

 The best Advantage of wordpress blog is that there are many plugins available in it that help the users work. We install different plugins for a lot of work, if a lot of plugins are used in a website, then there is a bad effect on the loading speed of that site and it gets slower. So install plugins that are more important to your website, just install them in your website. does not have plugins, so we have to do manual work, but we are given the option to add widgets to it. If there are more Widgets in the blogger's blog then it will be very slow open so just add the necessary widgets to your blog.

2. Web-Hosting 

For wordpress blogs, users can choose own web-hosting, so always buy web-hosting from any company that offers Best customer support and good service. For blogs small size blogs, I would recommend you to buy web-hosting from Hostgator India and Bluehost. If your blog is hosted on a good hosting server, then it will be Fast Load.

3. Optimization of images

Friends, more than 50% of images are loaded in the loading time of a blog post, so compress images and videos like just compress them into your posts. If you want to compress the images of your blog then click on this link to download Caesium software and help you compress any image easily. If you are a wordpress user then install the Smush Image Compression plugin in your wordpress blog. With this help, you can compress all the images of Blog together so that you will survive a lot of time.

4. CDN Service 

CDN is a web server network that delivers your site content well and fast in any country It makes your website super fast and secure. If you want to use cdn service for your website, you can use Cloudflare cdn. This is absolutely free.

5. Do not use more advertisements in Blog

We make advertisements to earn money from our website and there is a Java script code in the code of advertisements that takes more time to load. If you want to make your site fast, do not place more ads on one page. Most of the Bloggers use Adsense to Monetieze their blog, and its Ads code is of 2 types asynchronous and synchronous Synchronous ads take more time to load but Asynchronous Ads are fast loads so use only Async Ads in your website.

6. Do not show too many posts on your blog's home page

If you are showing more posts on the home page of your blog, this can also be a reason to slow down your site, so just show 5 posts on your site's home page.

7. Use fast loading theme

Friends depends on the loading speed theme of any website should always use the fast loading theme. Your blog can be open fast in all the tools so if you can invest some money then no fast loading theme Use and buy if you do not have money, but very simple designers use free fast loading topics available.

8. Minimize the codes

When you can test the speed of your site's pages with pingdom or any other device, then you know the elements of your site that take longer to load,
If you clearly see that due to any HTML code or CSS code your blog is slowing down, then compress the code by making fast loading, WordPress users will be able to autopitize your blog's HTML code and to compress the CSS code. You can use the plugin. But if your blog is on then you should use the HTML minifier.

9. Use caching plugins in blogs

If you want to reduce the loading time of your blog, then use the caching plugins. Sure friends, when an Internet user opens your website, then php. Resources send data to your hosting server, they are sometimes taking a little longer in the process, due to this your blog is slowed down And visitors leave before leaving your site before they open. If you do not want to miss your blog traffic, then install caching plugins in your blog, I suggest you to use W3 total cache plugin

10. Speed ​​up The most viewed post

Friends, there are some posts on every website that have more traffic, check Google Analytics, check out the Most viewed post on your site, and then follow the tips below. 1. Use Adds at least in that post. 2. Optimize his images well 3. If there is a mistake in that post then fix it All these tips will help you to speed up your blog. If you have any other tips besides these, please comment and tell us we will add them to this post.

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